
Video Details

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Ladé - Adulthood Anthem (Adulthood Na Scam) Official Music Video (U)

Created2022-08-24 | 878 days ago
Views2,041,802 | Previous: 2,039,403
Likes24,981 | Previous: 24,941
Comments887 | Previous: 887
Daily Views increase (calculated)2,399 (0.12%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)40 (0.16%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)2,326
Avg Views/ Subscriber82
Channel Subscribers24,800
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 06:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
2,041,802 24,981 2,399 40 18-01-2025
2,039,403 24,941 2,139 52 17-01-2025
2,037,264 24,889 1,133 21 16-01-2025
2,036,131 24,868 897 2 15-01-2025
2,035,234 24,866 1,032 11 14-01-2025
2,034,202 24,855 1,051 6 13-01-2025
2,033,151 24,849 1,222 7 12-01-2025
2,031,929 24,842 1,176 10 11-01-2025
2,030,753 24,832 1,261 13 10-01-2025
2,029,492 24,819 1,151 11 09-01-2025
2,028,341 24,808 1,098 12 08-01-2025
2,027,243 24,796 870 7 07-01-2025
2,026,373 24,789 855 7 06-01-2025
2,025,518 24,782 990 4 05-01-2025
2,024,528 24,778 1,055 12 04-01-2025
2,023,473 24,766 955 12 03-01-2025
2,022,518 24,754 1,134 3 02-01-2025
2,021,384 24,751 1,189 6 01-01-2025
2,020,195 24,745 941 9 31-12-2024
2,019,254 24,736 1,048 8 30-12-2024

Channel Data

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Created971 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views3,404,053
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day3,506
Avg Views/ Subscriber137
Avg Views/ Video148,002
Views Growth (7d)35,031 (1.04%)

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