
Video Details

Video Data

PSquare - Shekini [Official Audio] (U)

Created2014-09-05 | 3,788 days ago
Views4,555,161 | Previous: 4,554,148
Likes29,810 | Previous: 29,810
Comments363 | Previous: 361
Daily Views increase (calculated)1,013 (0.02%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)0 (0.00%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)1,203
Avg Views/ Subscriber2
Channel Subscribers2,500,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 07:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
4,554,148 29,810 962 4 17-01-2025
4,553,186 29,806 855 6 16-01-2025
4,552,331 29,800 787 8 15-01-2025
4,551,544 29,792 919 12 14-01-2025
4,550,625 29,780 759 6 13-01-2025
4,549,866 29,774 888 6 12-01-2025
4,548,978 29,768 875 4 11-01-2025
4,548,103 29,764 715 2 10-01-2025
4,547,388 29,762 841 7 09-01-2025
4,546,547 29,755 818 3 08-01-2025
4,545,729 29,752 688 3 07-01-2025
4,545,041 29,749 655 6 06-01-2025
4,544,386 29,743 764 1 05-01-2025
4,543,622 29,742 722 3 04-01-2025
4,542,900 29,739 799 2 03-01-2025
4,542,101 29,737 799 2 02-01-2025
4,540,058 29,735 839 4 31-12-2024
4,539,219 29,731 918 5 30-12-2024
4,538,301 29,726 884 3 29-12-2024
4,537,417 29,723 928 12 28-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created5,333 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views796,672,478
Channel Comments15,000
Avg Views/ Day149,385
Avg Views/ Subscriber319
Avg Views/ Video36,212,385
Views Growth (7d)1,512,559 (0.19%)

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