
Video Details

Video Data

Larry Gaaga & Black Sherif - ’Letter From Overseas’ (Music Video) (U)

Created2022-11-10 | 800 days ago
Views2,291,998 | Previous: 2,289,744
Likes30,539 | Previous: 30,528
Comments1,463 | Previous: 1,463
Daily Views increase (calculated)2,254 (0.10%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)11 (0.04%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)2,865
Avg Views/ Subscriber9
Channel Subscribers255,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 06:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
2,291,998 30,539 2,254 11 18-01-2025
2,289,744 30,528 1,762 7 17-01-2025
2,287,982 30,521 1,666 9 16-01-2025
2,286,316 30,512 1,568 8 15-01-2025
2,284,748 30,504 1,472 10 14-01-2025
2,283,276 30,494 1,627 4 13-01-2025
2,281,649 30,490 1,954 5 12-01-2025
2,279,695 30,485 1,815 7 11-01-2025
2,277,880 30,478 1,599 10 10-01-2025
2,276,281 30,468 1,687 3 09-01-2025
2,274,594 30,465 1,459 3 08-01-2025
2,273,135 30,462 1,567 5 07-01-2025
2,271,568 30,457 1,761 11 06-01-2025
2,269,807 30,446 1,668 4 05-01-2025
2,268,139 30,442 1,510 2 04-01-2025
2,266,629 30,440 1,813 6 03-01-2025
2,264,816 30,434 1,829 8 02-01-2025
2,262,987 30,426 2,185 6 01-01-2025
2,259,097 30,420 1,642 3 30-12-2024
2,257,455 30,417 1,815 7 29-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelLarry Gaaga
Created2,572 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views108,405,675
Channel Comments209
Avg Views/ Day42,148
Avg Views/ Subscriber425
Avg Views/ Video4,516,903
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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