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Video Details

Video Data

Mercy Chinwo - Too Many Reasons ft Chioma Jesus (Official Audio) (U)

Created2024-02-29 | 352 days ago
Views1,408,381 | Previous: 1,400,677
Likes16,096 | Previous: 16,046
Comments812 | Previous: 812
Daily Views increase (calculated)770 (0.06%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)5 (0.03%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)4,001
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers1,230,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-10 06:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
1,408,381 16,096 770 5 10-02-2025
1,400,677 16,046 617 2 31-01-2025
1,399,443 16,042 719 5 29-01-2025
1,398,005 16,031 914 4 27-01-2025
1,396,176 16,023 703 2 25-01-2025
1,394,769 16,019 756 2 23-01-2025
1,393,256 16,014 651 1 21-01-2025
1,391,953 16,012 898 3 19-01-2025
1,390,157 16,006 779 5 17-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
16 14,298 75 894 5 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelMercy Chinwo Official
Created3,949 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views176,340,877
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day44,655
Avg Views/ Subscriber143
Avg Views/ Video877,318
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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