
Video Details

Video Data

Living Testimony Praise Medley - Dare David (U)

Created2024-05-31 | 232 days ago
Views71,703 | Previous: 71,467
Likes744 | Previous: 743
Comments25 | Previous: 25
Daily Views increase (calculated)236 (0.33%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)1 (0.13%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)309
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers91,800
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 07:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
71,703 744 236 1 18-01-2025
71,467 743 214 1 17-01-2025
71,253 742 184 2 16-01-2025
71,069 740 177 2 15-01-2025
70,892 738 204 1 14-01-2025
70,688 737 254 2 13-01-2025
70,137 735 225 5 11-01-2025
69,701 730 226 3 09-01-2025
69,475 727 221 4 08-01-2025
69,254 723 210 1 07-01-2025
69,044 722 299 5 06-01-2025
68,745 717 339 6 05-01-2025
68,406 711 262 3 04-01-2025
68,144 708 241 3 03-01-2025
67,903 705 342 3 02-01-2025
67,561 702 543 8 01-01-2025
67,018 694 284 2 31-12-2024
66,734 692 298 3 30-12-2024
66,436 689 328 3 29-12-2024
66,108 686 237 2 28-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelOfficial Dare David
Created4,858 days ago
CountryN/A (N/A)
Channel Views12,686,835
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day2,612
Avg Views/ Subscriber138
Avg Views/ Video89,344
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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