Video Details

Video Data

Chosen Becky - Let It Rain Official Video 4K (U)

Created2023-05-05 | 624 days ago
Views4,300,235 | Previous: 4,294,799
Likes25,348 | Previous: 25,323
Comments2,228 | Previous: 2,227
Daily Views increase (calculated)5,436 (0.13%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)25 (0.10%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)6,891
Avg Views/ Subscriber28
Channel Subscribers152,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 09:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
4,300,235 25,348 5,436 25 18-01-2025
4,294,799 25,323 4,797 21 17-01-2025
4,290,002 25,302 4,124 14 16-01-2025
4,285,878 25,288 4,015 22 15-01-2025
4,281,863 25,266 3,837 22 14-01-2025
4,278,026 25,244 4,395 23 13-01-2025
4,273,631 25,221 5,512 20 12-01-2025
4,268,119 25,201 4,856 54 11-01-2025
4,263,263 25,147 3,205 12 10-01-2025
4,260,058 25,135 4,298 13 09-01-2025
4,255,760 25,122 3,855 14 08-01-2025
4,251,905 25,108 3,530 8 07-01-2025
4,248,375 25,100 3,827 9 06-01-2025
4,244,548 25,091 4,081 12 05-01-2025
4,240,467 25,079 3,525 13 04-01-2025
4,236,942 25,066 3,308 10 03-01-2025
4,233,634 25,056 4,475 15 02-01-2025
4,229,159 25,041 4,215 14 01-01-2025
4,224,944 25,027 3,709 14 31-12-2024
4,221,235 25,013 4,050 11 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelChosen Becky
Created1,663 days ago
CountryN/A (N/A)
Channel Views36,402,063
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day21,889
Avg Views/ Subscriber239
Avg Views/ Video97,593
Views Growth (7d)380,336 (1.06%)

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