
Video Details

Video Data

Anyidons - Offor (Official Video) ft. Duncan Mighty, Zubby Micheal (U)

Created2021-09-28 | 1,208 days ago
Views2,434,612 | Previous: 2,433,355
Likes15,518 | Previous: 15,515
Comments1,610 | Previous: 1,610
Daily Views increase (calculated)1,257 (0.05%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)3 (0.02%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)2,015
Avg Views/ Subscriber132
Channel Subscribers18,500
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 04:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
2,434,612 15,518 1,257 3 18-01-2025
2,433,355 15,515 1,322 7 17-01-2025
2,432,033 15,508 957 5 16-01-2025
2,431,076 15,503 932 2 15-01-2025
2,430,144 15,501 804 4 14-01-2025
2,429,340 15,497 1,114 7 13-01-2025
2,428,226 15,490 1,257 2 12-01-2025
2,426,969 15,488 1,133 4 11-01-2025
2,425,836 15,484 1,372 7 10-01-2025
2,424,464 15,477 1,339 1 09-01-2025
2,423,125 15,476 1,091 7 08-01-2025
2,422,034 15,469 1,115 1 07-01-2025
2,420,919 15,468 1,586 5 06-01-2025
2,419,333 15,463 1,326 3 05-01-2025
2,418,007 15,460 1,471 4 04-01-2025
2,416,536 15,456 1,665 3 03-01-2025
2,414,871 15,453 2,675 7 02-01-2025
2,412,196 15,446 2,391 4 01-01-2025
2,409,805 15,442 1,765 10 31-12-2024
2,408,040 15,432 2,005 4 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created1,832 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views10,565,757
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day5,767
Avg Views/ Subscriber571
Avg Views/ Video503,131
Views Growth (7d)25,916 (0.25%)

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