
Video Details

Video Data

Shallipopi - Find Me (visualizer) (U)

Created2024-04-22 | 271 days ago
Views366,425 | Previous: 365,993
Likes8,262 | Previous: 8,257
Comments389 | Previous: 389
Daily Views increase (calculated)432 (0.12%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)5 (0.06%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)1,352
Avg Views/ Subscriber2
Channel Subscribers216,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 08:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
366,425 8,262 432 5 18-01-2025
365,993 8,257 366 4 17-01-2025
365,627 8,253 376 2 16-01-2025
365,251 8,251 362 3 15-01-2025
364,889 8,248 472 7 14-01-2025
364,417 8,241 435 2 13-01-2025
363,982 8,239 448 6 12-01-2025
363,534 8,233 433 5 11-01-2025
363,101 8,228 493 5 10-01-2025
362,608 8,223 432 5 09-01-2025
361,822 8,218 429 4 07-01-2025
361,393 8,214 470 4 06-01-2025
360,923 8,210 405 2 05-01-2025
360,518 8,208 498 4 04-01-2025
360,020 8,204 416 4 03-01-2025
359,604 8,200 577 4 02-01-2025
359,027 8,196 444 3 01-01-2025
358,583 8,193 431 4 31-12-2024
358,152 8,189 423 6 30-12-2024
357,729 8,183 434 2 29-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created1,351 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views75,420,069
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day55,825
Avg Views/ Subscriber349
Avg Views/ Video5,028,005
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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