
Video Details

Video Data


Created2024-01-01 | 383 days ago
Views458,746 | Previous: 458,223
Likes5,545 | Previous: 5,544
Comments123 | Previous: 123
Daily Views increase (calculated)523 (0.11%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)1 (0.02%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)1,198
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers344,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 06:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
458,746 5,545 523 1 18-01-2025
458,223 5,544 400 4 17-01-2025
457,823 5,540 372 1 16-01-2025
457,451 5,539 460 3 15-01-2025
456,991 5,536 427 1 14-01-2025
456,135 5,535 486 3 12-01-2025
455,649 5,532 485 4 11-01-2025
455,164 5,528 413 3 10-01-2025
454,751 5,525 456 5 09-01-2025
454,295 5,520 428 3 08-01-2025
452,451 5,517 430 2 04-01-2025
452,021 5,515 434 3 03-01-2025
451,587 5,512 454 5 02-01-2025
451,133 5,507 580 6 01-01-2025
450,553 5,501 526 3 31-12-2024
450,027 5,498 521 3 30-12-2024
449,506 5,495 575 1 29-12-2024
448,931 5,494 477 4 28-12-2024
448,454 5,490 467 2 27-12-2024
447,987 5,488 502 2 26-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelLil Dou Officiel
Created1,496 days ago
CountryN/A (N/A)
Channel Views75,988,999
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day50,795
Avg Views/ Subscriber221
Avg Views/ Video986,870
Views Growth (7d)765,673 (1.02%)

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