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Video Details

Video Data

Skey Lucky - Mshikilie ( Official Music Video ) (U)

Created2021-03-12 | 1,408 days ago
Views11,773 | Previous: 11,773
Likes964 | Previous: 964
Comments84 | Previous: 84
Daily Views increase (calculated)0 (0.00%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)0 (0.00%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)8
Avg Views/ Subscriber9
Channel Subscribers1,350
Updated (by us)2025-01-14 09:01

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelSkey Lucky - The Lioness
Created2,410 days ago
CountryN/A (N/A)
Channel Views72,203
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day30
Avg Views/ Subscriber53
Avg Views/ Video4,011
Views Growth (7d)39 (0.05%)

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