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Video Details

Video Data

Burna Boy - On The Low [Official Music Video] (U)

Created2018-11-16 | 2,283 days ago
Views416,914,857 | Previous: 416,763,616
Likes1,821,747 | Previous: 1,821,349
Comments43,579 | Previous: 43,579
Daily Views increase (calculated)151,241 (0.04%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)398 (0.02%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)182,617
Avg Views/ Subscriber81
Channel Subscribers5,160,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 06:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
416,914,857 1,821,747 151,241 398 15-02-2025
416,763,616 1,821,349 123,162 358 14-02-2025
416,640,454 1,820,991 113,313 340 13-02-2025
416,527,141 1,820,651 120,541 334 12-02-2025
416,406,600 1,820,317 111,842 334 11-02-2025
416,294,758 1,819,983 127,979 386 10-02-2025
416,166,779 1,819,597 156,058 452 09-02-2025
416,010,721 1,819,145 132,864 282 08-02-2025
415,877,857 1,818,863 115,040 338 07-02-2025
415,762,817 1,818,525 116,478 367 06-02-2025
415,646,339 1,818,158 105,838 229 05-02-2025
415,540,501 1,817,929 100,073 258 04-02-2025
415,440,428 1,817,671 118,154 327 03-02-2025
415,322,274 1,817,344 150,757 429 02-02-2025
415,171,517 1,816,915 132,368 353 01-02-2025
415,039,149 1,816,562 112,768 379 31-01-2025
414,926,381 1,816,183 113,727 303 30-01-2025
414,812,654 1,815,880 113,162 334 29-01-2025
414,699,492 1,815,546 102,120 303 28-01-2025
414,597,372 1,815,243 116,017 354 27-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
31 3,487,997 10,350 112,516 334 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelBurna Boy
Created2,591 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views3,191,818,240
Channel Comments72
Avg Views/ Day1,231,887
Avg Views/ Subscriber619
Avg Views/ Video11,777,927
Views Growth (7d)32,550,186 (1.03%)

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