
Video Details

Video Data

Shatta Wale - Accra ft P.Blood, J.Quaye, Blakid,Z. Ranking,Kinjunia,Sanaa,D.Gennah,B.Cray, Shattonzy (U)

Created2024-11-16 | 91 days ago
Views454,072 | Previous: 453,007
Likes22,251 | Previous: 22,234
Comments4,363 | Previous: 4,363
Daily Views increase (calculated)1,065 (0.24%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)17 (0.08%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)4,990
Avg Views/ Subscriber< 1
Channel Subscribers1,170,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 05:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
454,072 22,251 1,065 17 15-02-2025
453,007 22,234 1,026 13 14-02-2025
451,981 22,221 839 4 13-02-2025
451,142 22,217 864 8 12-02-2025
450,278 22,209 914 15 11-02-2025
449,364 22,194 1,039 9 10-02-2025
448,325 22,185 999 10 09-02-2025
447,326 22,175 850 5 08-02-2025
446,476 22,170 792 11 07-02-2025
445,684 22,159 866 8 06-02-2025
444,818 22,151 885 8 05-02-2025
443,933 22,143 815 13 04-02-2025
443,118 22,130 911 6 03-02-2025
442,207 22,124 1,139 20 02-02-2025
441,068 22,104 1,201 11 01-02-2025
439,867 22,093 1,275 20 31-01-2025
438,592 22,073 1,014 12 30-01-2025
437,578 22,061 1,039 12 29-01-2025
436,539 22,049 939 8 28-01-2025
435,600 22,041 1,195 20 27-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
31 43,216 688 1,394 22 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelShatta Wale
Created4,471 days ago
CountryGhana (GH)
Channel Views315,116,102
Channel Comments1,500
Avg Views/ Day70,480
Avg Views/ Subscriber269
Avg Views/ Video274,014
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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