Love Me JeJe,Tems

Video Details

Video Data

Tems - Love Me JeJe (Official Video) (U)

Created2024-05-03 | 288 days ago
Views21,693,047 | Previous: 21,612,731
Likes192,442 | Previous: 191,952
Comments5,040 | Previous: 5,030
Daily Views increase (calculated)80,316 (0.37%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)490 (0.26%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)75,323
Avg Views/ Subscriber23
Channel Subscribers925,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 08:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
21,693,047 192,442 80,316 490 15-02-2025
21,612,731 191,952 60,702 335 14-02-2025
21,552,029 191,617 56,348 315 13-02-2025
21,495,681 191,302 64,892 386 12-02-2025
21,430,789 190,916 59,999 343 11-02-2025
21,370,790 190,573 63,599 394 10-02-2025
21,307,191 190,179 79,750 407 09-02-2025
21,227,441 189,772 77,597 398 08-02-2025
21,149,844 189,374 64,745 478 07-02-2025
21,085,099 188,896 74,378 678 06-02-2025
21,010,721 188,218 85,416 994 05-02-2025
20,925,305 187,224 116,739 1,907 04-02-2025
20,808,566 185,317 62,313 863 03-02-2025
20,746,253 184,454 60,104 273 02-02-2025
20,686,149 184,181 57,806 240 01-02-2025
20,628,343 183,941 45,627 249 31-01-2025
20,582,716 183,692 41,150 185 30-01-2025
20,541,566 183,507 48,525 231 29-01-2025
20,493,041 183,276 41,970 191 28-01-2025
20,451,071 183,085 43,742 206 27-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
31 1,444,612 6,916 46,600 223 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created1,496 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views166,211,860
Channel Comments51
Avg Views/ Day111,104
Avg Views/ Subscriber180
Avg Views/ Video5,731,443
Views Growth (7d)1,972,357 (1.20%)

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