
Video Details

Video Data

Davido - Funds (Official Video) ft. ODUMODUBLVCK, Chike (U)

Created2024-12-09 | 40 days ago
Views7,102,289 | Previous: 6,992,913
Likes137,404 | Previous: 136,681
Comments11,296 | Previous: 7,669
Daily Views increase (calculated)109,376 (1.56%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)723 (0.53%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)177,557
Avg Views/ Subscriber2
Channel Subscribers4,280,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 05:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
7,102,289 137,404 109,376 723 18-01-2025
6,992,913 136,681 100,650 740 17-01-2025
6,892,263 135,941 98,744 635 16-01-2025
6,793,519 135,306 95,397 618 15-01-2025
6,698,122 134,688 104,999 585 14-01-2025
6,593,123 134,103 114,631 688 13-01-2025
6,478,492 133,415 130,373 807 12-01-2025
6,348,119 132,608 121,594 830 11-01-2025
6,226,525 131,778 109,841 722 10-01-2025
6,116,684 131,056 108,707 739 09-01-2025
6,007,977 130,317 105,594 694 08-01-2025
5,902,383 129,623 100,607 657 07-01-2025
5,801,776 128,966 114,892 767 06-01-2025
5,686,884 128,199 127,065 822 05-01-2025
5,559,819 127,377 122,504 863 04-01-2025
5,437,315 126,514 125,345 833 03-01-2025
5,311,970 125,681 173,743 936 02-01-2025
5,138,227 124,745 188,206 978 01-01-2025
4,950,021 123,767 133,196 900 31-12-2024
4,816,825 122,867 148,788 979 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created2,249 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views1,824,244,362
Channel Comments70
Avg Views/ Day811,136
Avg Views/ Subscriber426
Avg Views/ Video12,937,903
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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