Sarkcess,Sarkodie,Azonto,Hiphop,Hiplife,Ghana (Country),MiPROMO,Tema,Hammer,Rapperholic,U Go Kill Me,Oofeets?,Prince Bright,Buk Bak

Video Details

Video Data

Sarkodie - Oofeets? ft. Prince Bright [Buk Bak] (Official Video) (U)

Created2019-11-23 | 1,883 days ago
Views8,956,793 | Previous: 8,954,467
Likes55,182 | Previous: 55,178
Comments3,565 | Previous: 3,565
Daily Views increase (calculated)2,326 (0.03%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)4 (0.01%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)4,757
Avg Views/ Subscriber8
Channel Subscribers1,180,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 08:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
8,956,793 55,182 2,326 4 18-01-2025
8,954,467 55,178 2,019 6 17-01-2025
8,948,410 55,158 1,979 6 14-01-2025
8,942,471 55,138 1,982 5 11-01-2025
8,938,507 55,128 2,407 7 09-01-2025
8,926,471 55,090 2,275 11 04-01-2025
8,924,196 55,079 2,617 8 03-01-2025
8,921,579 55,071 3,552 13 02-01-2025
8,918,027 55,058 4,236 10 01-01-2025
8,913,791 55,048 2,719 12 31-12-2024
8,911,072 55,036 3,453 12 30-12-2024
8,907,619 55,024 3,700 13 29-12-2024
8,903,919 55,011 3,454 8 28-12-2024
8,900,465 55,003 3,743 12 27-12-2024
8,881,749 54,941 2,468 6 22-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created4,430 days ago
CountryGhana (GH)
Channel Views360,926,386
Channel Comments979
Avg Views/ Day81,473
Avg Views/ Subscriber306
Avg Views/ Video1,261,980
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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