
Video Details

Video Data

Burna Boy - Bundle By Bundle [Official Music Video] (U)

Created2024-12-20 | 29 days ago
Views5,918,255 | Previous: 5,859,729
Likes64,741 | Previous: 64,232
Comments2,563 | Previous: 2,563
Daily Views increase (calculated)58,526 (1.00%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)509 (0.79%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)204,078
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers5,130,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 04:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
5,918,255 64,741 58,526 509 18-01-2025
5,859,729 64,232 60,333 546 17-01-2025
5,799,396 63,686 72,552 464 16-01-2025
5,726,844 63,222 69,267 452 15-01-2025
5,657,577 62,770 88,160 443 14-01-2025
5,569,417 62,327 92,768 494 13-01-2025
5,476,649 61,833 117,860 626 12-01-2025
5,358,789 61,207 109,843 682 11-01-2025
5,248,946 60,525 100,425 551 10-01-2025
5,148,521 59,974 106,477 586 09-01-2025
5,042,044 59,388 76,571 506 08-01-2025
4,965,473 58,882 54,270 532 07-01-2025
4,911,203 58,350 65,819 659 06-01-2025
4,845,384 57,691 77,821 842 05-01-2025
4,767,563 56,849 105,678 663 04-01-2025
4,661,885 56,186 132,917 674 03-01-2025
4,528,968 55,512 175,288 830 02-01-2025
4,353,680 54,682 205,642 1,029 01-01-2025
4,148,038 53,653 198,894 1,032 31-12-2024
3,949,144 52,621 209,314 1,200 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelBurna Boy
Created2,563 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views3,127,971,006
Channel Comments72
Avg Views/ Day1,220,433
Avg Views/ Subscriber610
Avg Views/ Video11,542,328
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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