
Video Details

Video Data

Marioo feat Bien - Nairobi (Visualiser) (U)

Created2025-01-06 | 12 days ago
Views2,372,401 | Previous: 2,168,337
Likes32,778 | Previous: 31,053
Comments2,870 | Previous: 2,870
Daily Views increase (calculated)204,064 (9.41%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)1,725 (5.56%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)197,700
Avg Views/ Subscriber2
Channel Subscribers1,560,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 06:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
2,372,401 32,778 204,064 1,725 18-01-2025
2,168,337 31,053 238,429 1,739 17-01-2025
1,929,908 29,314 224,109 1,538 16-01-2025
1,705,799 27,776 198,898 1,356 15-01-2025
1,506,901 26,420 243,110 2,031 14-01-2025
1,263,791 24,389 221,130 1,994 13-01-2025
1,042,661 22,395 236,082 2,365 12-01-2025
806,579 20,030 209,993 2,444 11-01-2025
596,586 17,586 161,648 2,648 10-01-2025
434,938 14,938 154,730 3,075 09-01-2025
280,208 11,863 145,723 3,799 08-01-2025

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created2,571 days ago
CountryTanzania, United Republic of (TZ)
Channel Views301,397,571
Channel Comments1,000
Avg Views/ Day117,230
Avg Views/ Subscriber193
Avg Views/ Video1,586,303
Views Growth (7d)6,176,699 (2.09%)

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