
Video Details

Video Data

Fireboy DML - ecstasy (Official Video) ft. Seun Kuti (U)

Created2025-01-13 | 33 days ago
Views1,890,936 | Previous: 1,888,042
Likes18,625 | Previous: 18,588
Comments992 | Previous: 992
Daily Views increase (calculated)2,894 (0.15%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)37 (0.20%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)57,301
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers1,860,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 04:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
1,890,936 18,625 2,894 37 15-02-2025
1,888,042 18,588 2,836 41 14-02-2025
1,885,206 18,547 2,897 44 13-02-2025
1,882,309 18,503 2,815 44 12-02-2025
1,879,494 18,459 2,900 33 11-02-2025
1,876,594 18,426 3,352 51 10-02-2025
1,873,242 18,375 4,068 56 09-02-2025
1,869,174 18,319 3,717 48 08-02-2025
1,865,457 18,271 3,448 47 07-02-2025
1,862,009 18,224 3,465 65 06-02-2025
1,858,544 18,159 3,835 56 05-02-2025
1,854,709 18,103 4,507 59 04-02-2025
1,850,202 18,044 5,099 56 03-02-2025
1,845,103 17,988 21,204 57 02-02-2025
1,823,899 17,931 21,895 86 01-02-2025
1,802,004 17,845 20,761 107 31-01-2025
1,781,243 17,738 21,126 85 30-01-2025
1,760,117 17,653 22,472 106 29-01-2025
1,737,645 17,547 24,193 137 28-01-2025
1,713,452 17,410 24,830 154 27-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
17 1,727,529 11,990 101,619 705 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelFireboy DML
Created2,360 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views1,031,539,787
Channel Comments1,800
Avg Views/ Day437,093
Avg Views/ Subscriber555
Avg Views/ Video9,731,507
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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