
Video Details

Video Data

Yemi Alade - Baddie (Remix) (Official Music Video) ft. Konshens, Femi One (U)

Created2025-01-15 | 31 days ago
Views2,951,805 | Previous: 2,948,629
Likes15,854 | Previous: 15,793
Comments631 | Previous: 631
Daily Views increase (calculated)3,176 (0.11%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)61 (0.39%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)95,220
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers2,450,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 06:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
2,951,805 15,854 3,176 61 15-02-2025
2,948,629 15,793 3,001 63 14-02-2025
2,945,628 15,730 2,823 61 13-02-2025
2,942,805 15,669 2,792 60 12-02-2025
2,940,013 15,609 2,947 80 11-02-2025
2,937,066 15,529 3,343 73 10-02-2025
2,933,723 15,456 3,504 79 09-02-2025
2,930,219 15,377 2,937 73 08-02-2025
2,927,282 15,304 2,954 53 07-02-2025
2,924,328 15,251 2,619 60 06-02-2025
2,921,709 15,191 113,925 78 05-02-2025
2,807,784 15,113 121,524 93 04-02-2025
2,686,260 15,020 127,454 115 03-02-2025
2,558,806 14,905 134,610 117 02-02-2025
2,424,196 14,788 122,085 193 01-02-2025
2,302,111 14,595 127,205 253 31-01-2025
2,174,906 14,342 190,693 306 30-01-2025
1,984,213 14,036 96,657 380 29-01-2025
1,887,556 13,656 165,478 343 28-01-2025
1,722,078 13,313 170,445 459 27-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
15 2,288,694 12,384 152,580 826 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelYemi Alade
Created4,475 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views830,727,723
Channel Comments29
Avg Views/ Day185,637
Avg Views/ Subscriber339
Avg Views/ Video2,251,295
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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