
Video Details

Video Data

Olamide - Idan Buruku (Freestyle) (Official Audio) (U)

Created2025-01-18 | 28 days ago
Views72,284 | Previous: 71,935
Likes3,766 | Previous: 3,763
Comments327 | Previous: 327
Daily Views increase (calculated)349 (0.49%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)3 (0.08%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)2,582
Avg Views/ Subscriber< 1
Channel Subscribers1,240,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 05:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
72,284 3,766 349 3 15-02-2025
71,935 3,763 406 8 14-02-2025
71,529 3,755 351 3 13-02-2025
71,178 3,752 369 5 12-02-2025
70,809 3,747 2,722 20 11-02-2025
68,087 3,727 3,013 11 10-02-2025
65,074 3,716 3,453 20 09-02-2025
61,621 3,696 3,179 14 08-02-2025
58,442 3,682 615 7 07-02-2025
57,827 3,675 658 13 06-02-2025
57,169 3,662 456 8 05-02-2025
56,713 3,654 395 7 04-02-2025
56,318 3,647 414 4 03-02-2025
55,904 3,643 463 6 02-02-2025
55,441 3,637 816 16 01-02-2025
54,625 3,621 724 15 31-01-2025
53,901 3,606 803 20 30-01-2025
53,098 3,586 888 25 29-01-2025
52,210 3,561 1,004 37 28-01-2025
51,206 3,524 1,447 41 27-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
13 52,898 3,011 4,069 232 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created2,980 days ago
CountryUnited States (US)
Channel Views506,410,305
Channel Comments81
Avg Views/ Day169,936
Avg Views/ Subscriber408
Avg Views/ Video5,957,768
Views Growth (7d)5,085,792 (1.01%)

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