
Video Details

Video Data

Tekno - Pounds & Dollars (Official Dance Video) (U)

Created2025-01-29 | 17 days ago
Views1,047,710 | Previous: 1,033,323
Likes19,249 | Previous: 18,764
Comments195 | Previous: 195
Daily Views increase (calculated)14,387 (1.39%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)485 (2.58%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)61,630
Avg Views/ Subscriber< 1
Channel Subscribers2,560,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 05:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
1,047,710 19,249 14,387 485 15-02-2025
1,033,323 18,764 13,974 424 14-02-2025
1,019,349 18,340 12,738 427 13-02-2025
1,006,611 17,913 12,144 437 12-02-2025
994,467 17,476 11,020 434 11-02-2025
983,447 17,042 15,576 632 10-02-2025
967,871 16,410 92,426 1,179 09-02-2025
875,445 15,231 93,249 1,154 08-02-2025
782,196 14,077 84,270 981 07-02-2025
697,926 13,096 96,045 1,167 06-02-2025
601,881 11,929 100,733 1,268 05-02-2025
501,148 10,661 95,862 1,344 04-02-2025
405,286 9,317 95,828 1,316 03-02-2025
309,458 8,001 112,793 1,618 02-02-2025
196,665 6,383 93,846 1,435 01-02-2025
102,819 4,948 77,968 2,310 31-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
1 77,968 2,310 77,968 2,310 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created1,863 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views1,148,415,869
Channel Comments3,200
Avg Views/ Day616,434
Avg Views/ Subscriber449
Avg Views/ Video24,965,562
Views Growth (7d)11,541,324 (1.02%)

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