
Video Details

Video Data

Rayvanny feat Headie One - Alone (Official Video) (U)

Created2025-01-31 | 15 days ago
Views952,834 | Previous: 950,430
Likes7,141 | Previous: 7,074
Comments364 | Previous: 364
Daily Views increase (calculated)2,404 (0.25%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)67 (0.95%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)63,522
Avg Views/ Subscriber< 1
Channel Subscribers5,490,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 05:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
952,834 7,141 2,404 67 15-02-2025
950,430 7,074 2,558 103 14-02-2025
947,872 6,971 2,683 67 13-02-2025
945,189 6,904 3,230 114 12-02-2025
941,959 6,790 3,007 108 11-02-2025
938,952 6,682 41,658 86 10-02-2025
897,294 6,596 73,921 188 09-02-2025
823,373 6,408 85,461 278 08-02-2025
737,912 6,130 89,135 262 07-02-2025
648,777 5,868 136,989 352 06-02-2025
511,788 5,516 132,225 384 05-02-2025
379,563 5,132 113,594 299 04-02-2025
265,969 4,833 120,652 559 03-02-2025
145,317 4,274 60,043 830 02-02-2025
85,274 3,444 85,274 3,325 01-02-2025

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created3,257 days ago
CountryTanzania, United Republic of (TZ)
Channel Views1,239,747,867
Channel Comments3,200
Avg Views/ Day380,641
Avg Views/ Subscriber226
Avg Views/ Video1,298,165
Views Growth (7d)12,572,038 (1.02%)

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