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Video Details

Video Data

Omah Lay - soso (Official Music Video) (U)

Created2022-11-29 | 809 days ago
Views185,539,010 | Previous: 185,285,229
Likes804,259 | Previous: 803,617
Comments20,594 | Previous: 20,583
Daily Views increase (calculated)253,781 (0.14%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)642 (0.08%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)229,344
Avg Views/ Subscriber82
Channel Subscribers2,260,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-15 07:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
185,539,010 804,259 253,781 642 15-02-2025
185,285,229 803,617 210,779 598 14-02-2025
185,074,450 803,019 193,746 507 13-02-2025
184,880,704 802,512 225,125 616 12-02-2025
184,655,579 801,896 203,159 553 11-02-2025
184,452,420 801,343 224,135 578 10-02-2025
184,228,285 800,765 262,441 704 09-02-2025
183,965,844 800,061 224,214 531 08-02-2025
183,741,630 799,530 200,869 528 07-02-2025
183,540,761 799,002 207,682 638 06-02-2025
183,333,079 798,364 199,762 562 05-02-2025
183,133,317 797,802 184,763 544 04-02-2025
182,948,554 797,258 215,152 631 03-02-2025
182,733,402 796,627 249,734 701 02-02-2025
182,483,668 795,926 231,309 669 01-02-2025
182,252,359 795,257 200,266 607 31-01-2025
182,052,093 794,650 195,651 526 30-01-2025
181,856,442 794,124 221,678 605 29-01-2025
181,634,764 793,519 184,991 581 28-01-2025
181,449,773 792,938 215,469 665 27-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
31 6,287,966 18,599 202,838 600 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelOmah Lay
Created3,871 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views1,019,639,994
Channel Comments74
Avg Views/ Day263,405
Avg Views/ Subscriber451
Avg Views/ Video6,069,286
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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