Tems,Brent Faiyaz,If Orange Was A Place,Found

Video Details

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Found (U)

Created2021-09-14 | 1,222 days ago
Views8,113,694 | Previous: 8,108,681
Likes90,171 | Previous: 90,133
Comments79 | Previous: 79
Daily Views increase (calculated)5,013 (0.06%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)38 (0.04%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)6,640
Avg Views/ Subscriber9
Channel Subscribers925,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 08:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
8,113,694 90,171 5,013 38 18-01-2025
8,108,681 90,133 5,986 49 17-01-2025
8,102,695 90,084 5,563 61 16-01-2025
8,097,132 90,023 4,923 59 15-01-2025
8,092,209 89,964 5,844 69 14-01-2025
8,086,365 89,895 5,051 58 13-01-2025
8,081,314 89,837 4,863 48 12-01-2025
8,076,451 89,789 5,237 60 11-01-2025
8,071,214 89,729 4,542 52 10-01-2025
8,066,672 89,677 5,404 47 09-01-2025
8,061,268 89,630 4,860 36 08-01-2025
8,056,408 89,594 5,124 49 07-01-2025
8,051,284 89,545 4,527 40 06-01-2025
8,046,757 89,505 5,201 57 05-01-2025
8,041,556 89,448 5,318 62 04-01-2025
8,036,238 89,386 5,287 65 03-01-2025
8,030,951 89,321 4,263 33 02-01-2025
8,026,688 89,288 5,278 41 01-01-2025
8,021,410 89,247 4,754 62 31-12-2024
8,016,656 89,185 4,696 54 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelTems - Topic
Created2,561 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views288,634,845
Channel Comments22
Avg Views/ Day112,704
Avg Views/ Subscriber312
Avg Views/ Video4,976,463
Views Growth (7d)1,796,265 (0.63%)

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