Video Details

Video Data

LADIPOE - Running ft. Fireboy DML (Official Music Video) (U)

Created2021-11-17 | 1,158 days ago
Views10,775,288 | Previous: 10,771,614
Likes81,867 | Previous: 81,840
Comments2,119 | Previous: 2,119
Daily Views increase (calculated)3,674 (0.03%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)27 (0.03%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)9,305
Avg Views/ Subscriber105
Channel Subscribers103,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 06:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
10,775,288 81,867 3,674 27 18-01-2025
10,771,614 81,840 4,117 20 17-01-2025
10,767,497 81,820 3,418 15 16-01-2025
10,764,079 81,805 2,781 15 15-01-2025
10,761,298 81,790 3,837 28 14-01-2025
10,757,461 81,762 3,264 29 13-01-2025
10,754,197 81,733 4,057 20 12-01-2025
10,750,140 81,713 4,017 18 11-01-2025
10,746,123 81,695 3,808 15 10-01-2025
10,742,315 81,680 4,397 17 09-01-2025
10,737,918 81,663 3,522 19 08-01-2025
10,734,396 81,644 3,334 15 07-01-2025
10,731,062 81,629 3,431 15 06-01-2025
10,727,631 81,614 4,257 22 05-01-2025
10,723,374 81,592 4,099 29 04-01-2025
10,719,275 81,563 3,845 21 03-01-2025
10,715,430 81,542 3,719 27 02-01-2025
10,711,711 81,515 4,844 23 01-01-2025
10,706,867 81,492 3,890 22 31-12-2024
10,702,977 81,470 3,994 21 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created4,438 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views44,835,326
Channel Comments212
Avg Views/ Day10,103
Avg Views/ Subscriber435
Avg Views/ Video679,323
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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