
Video Details

Video Data

Rema - Calm Down (Live At The BRITs 2024) (U)

Created2024-03-03 | 321 days ago
Views4,246,723 | Previous: 4,238,187
Likes56,722 | Previous: 56,562
Comments1,339 | Previous: 1,234
Daily Views increase (calculated)8,536 (0.20%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)160 (0.28%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)13,230
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers4,190,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 08:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
4,246,723 56,722 8,536 160 18-01-2025
4,238,187 56,562 7,925 115 17-01-2025
4,230,262 56,447 7,187 132 16-01-2025
4,223,075 56,315 6,489 146 15-01-2025
4,216,586 56,169 8,219 175 14-01-2025
4,208,367 55,994 8,882 149 13-01-2025
4,199,485 55,845 8,789 140 12-01-2025
4,190,696 55,705 8,592 133 11-01-2025
4,182,104 55,572 7,676 115 10-01-2025
4,174,428 55,457 9,007 143 09-01-2025
4,165,421 55,314 7,213 99 08-01-2025
4,158,208 55,215 6,698 106 07-01-2025
4,151,510 55,109 7,634 90 06-01-2025
4,143,876 55,019 8,292 126 05-01-2025
4,135,584 54,893 7,038 104 04-01-2025
4,128,546 54,789 6,923 90 03-01-2025
4,121,623 54,699 8,697 128 02-01-2025
4,112,926 54,571 9,069 100 01-01-2025
4,103,857 54,471 6,085 71 31-12-2024
4,097,772 54,400 7,182 79 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created1,832 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views45,628,313
Channel Comments1,000
Avg Views/ Day24,906
Avg Views/ Subscriber11
Avg Views/ Video7,604,719
Views Growth (7d)715,493 (1.59%)

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