
Video Details

Video Data

Rudeboy - Reason With Me [Official Video] (U)

Created2019-04-15 | 2,105 days ago
Views238,110,164 | Previous: 238,002,138
Likes909,471 | Previous: 909,127
Comments39,127 | Previous: 39,127
Daily Views increase (calculated)108,026 (0.05%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)344 (0.04%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)113,116
Avg Views/ Subscriber296
Channel Subscribers805,000
Updated (by us)2025-01-18 08:01

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
238,110,164 909,471 108,026 344 18-01-2025
238,002,138 909,127 101,739 331 17-01-2025
237,900,399 908,796 97,110 272 16-01-2025
237,803,289 908,524 82,197 249 15-01-2025
237,721,092 908,275 97,007 329 14-01-2025
237,624,085 907,946 102,201 316 13-01-2025
237,521,884 907,630 122,760 347 12-01-2025
237,399,124 907,283 102,875 336 11-01-2025
237,296,249 906,947 99,322 284 10-01-2025
237,196,927 906,663 100,734 336 09-01-2025
237,096,193 906,327 93,647 256 08-01-2025
237,002,546 906,071 85,650 246 07-01-2025
236,916,896 905,825 105,933 332 06-01-2025
236,810,963 905,493 114,568 327 05-01-2025
236,696,395 905,166 100,666 327 04-01-2025
236,595,729 904,839 94,160 297 03-01-2025
236,501,569 904,542 140,360 317 02-01-2025
236,361,209 904,225 174,424 413 01-01-2025
236,186,785 903,812 113,238 339 31-12-2024
236,073,547 903,473 123,824 424 30-12-2024

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created2,616 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views497,873,124
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day190,318
Avg Views/ Subscriber618
Avg Views/ Video19,148,966
Views Growth (7d)1,115,475 (0.22%)

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